Overseas Mission

Our Mission: ‘Inspire, Inform, Invest’. 

The causes that the Group supports:

  • Are small charities/causes
  • Are linked in some way to member(s) of LKC church
  • Have low costs and high contribution

Who We Support

5% of the Church income is given to overseas mission. We give half of this to BMS. All other money that we offer to charities comes from our fund raising.

We support the following causes: 

Send a Cow www.sendacow.org 

Kakunyu School www.kakunyuchildren.org and www.friendsofkakunyuschool.co.uk

Wycombe Refugee Partnership  www.wycombe-refugees.org

St Marks School (An African Dream) www.aaduganda.org

Samara's Aid www.samarasaidappeal.org

KISC  www.kisc.edu.np  

We have also promoted Kiva to the church community. www.kiva.org 

Our BMS Link Missionary is Annie BrownAnnie Brown

Annie has served in Nepal since 2013. Annie’s background is as a teacher, education advisor and trainer. She is working with Kathmandu International Study Centre (KISC) Education Quality Improvement Programme (EQUIP). This project provides training for school communities in Nepal, to help improve the quality of education and bring positive change to all areas of people’s lives. 

Further details about Annie and her latest news can be found here