Our services

Our worship services are open to all. We are currently meeting weekly on Sundays at 10am onsite and online via Zoom. Our services generally finish between 11.00-11.10 am

We attract people of all ages and include people from a variety of backgrounds and traditions. What we share is a faith in God and a desire to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Everyone is welcome to join us no matter where you are on your faith journey.

Join Us in the Church Building

People sitting in the church wearing masksIf you'd like to join us in the church building, just turn up! Come down the footpath from the car park/ Windsor Lane and come in through the blue double doors to the right.

We have creche facilities and offer children's and young peoples activities most weeks in term time. 

Our children and young people leave us part way through the service for their own age based activities, if they wish - we cater for primary age children at present. 

We tend to have communion on the first Sunday of the month but this sometimes moves to another Sunday.

Each of our services include an opportunity to share tea and coffee together. This is usually in the church hall after the service.

Join Us Via Zoom

Video conference call. Lots of people laughing.

We also broadcast the service over Zoom.
In order to use Zoom you will need a computer or tablet/smartphone (Android/iOS) with an internet connection.

Please visit our Zoom meeting to join the meeting (10am, on Sundays).

If this is your first time using Zoom, you will need to follow a short download and installation procedure. If you want other people to see you and hear you, you will need to grant/allow Zoom permission to use your camera and microphone. And select Join with device audio (or join with computer audio).

If you get prompted for a meeting id, you can just click the link again, or enter 84970372015 The password for this week's is 'service' (no quotes). 

Email us during the week for tech support!

We meet every Sunday morning at 10am; the Zoom meeting is open from 9.40 for people to say hello.

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