During the Week
Our church life doesn't only revolve around our Sunday Services. Here's some of our other regular activities
Tuesdays during term time, 10-11.30am
Toddlers is our long-running pre-schoolers "stay and play" session for carers and the children in their charge.
You'll receive a warm welcome, and a hot drink from Kingshill Kitchen for the adults is included in the admission fee of £2.50 (this is a flat fee, per group of adults/children).
There's lots of toys to play with, and then about 11am we clear up together and serve fruit for the children, followed by a story and some songs together.
You're first visit is free of charge so come and give us a try out.
Coffee and Cake
First Wednesday of the month, 9-11am
Coffee and Cake is our opportunity for any to meet and share coffee and home-made cakes with one another, and folks from Kingshill Baptist Church. We delight in bringing those who struggle to drive or may be a little isolated to this event ourselves, but it really is for anyone!
Coffee Stop
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Wednesdays of the month, 9-11am
Much like Coffee and Cake, but a bit lower key, no home made cakes (but plenty to buy from Kingshill Kitchen). We don't usually offer lifts to this event.
Home Groups
We have a number of groups that mid in evenings (and daytimes) across Little and Great Kingshill, sharing Prayer, Bible Study, support and fellowship with one another. We recommend coming along to a few Sunday services and making yourself known (and getting to know others) before committing to a Home Group. For more details, email the minister.
We are still aiming to hold a variety of activities on a regular basis and to have some special events that happen less frequently.