Christmas sevices and activities DIY Christingle 

Come to our Nativity service on Dec 19th 2021 at 3pm outside the church hall to receive a Christingle pack to make your own, or perhaps you have the materials to hand to make one at home.

Here's our video with how to put your Christingle together! Instructions start at 3m35s

You can also download some printable instructions here, if the video isn't working, or not for you.

DIY Christingle pack

If you missed our registration window but still want to take part, you will need:

  • An Orange
  • A Candle
  • A small piece of silver foil (maybe 10cm square?)
  • A piece of red ribbon with a glue dot or some tape (doublesided is good)
  • 4 cocktail sticks
  • Some sweets you can drive a cocktail stick through (no sherbert lemons then) and/or maybe some raisins.