Kingshill Baptist Church

Serving the communities of Little and Great Kingshill

  • Windsor Lane
  • Little Kingshill
  • Great Missenden
  • Bucks
  • HP16 0DZ

Church: 01494 865770
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Do check out our main Services page for details of what is going on during lockdown, and while social distancing restrictions remain.

Information below retained for historical accuracy.

[We meet every Sunday at 10am and our services generally finish between 11.10-11.15 am.

We attract people of all ages and include people from a variety of backgrounds and traditions. What we share is a faith in God and a desire to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Everyone is welcome to join us no matter where you are on your faith journey.

We have creche facilities and offer children's and young peoples work every week in a variety of formats. 

We tend to vary our Sunday worship based on which Sunday of the month it is.

On the first and third Sundays our children and young people leave us part way through the service for their own age based activities. More details on the groups can be found here. We tend to have communion on the first Sunday of the month but this sometimes moves to another Sunday.

For the second Sunday of the month our service is led by the young people, who (as they are running the service) stay in throughout.

The fourth Sunday of the month is a little different with a Sunday service in the morning led by lay members of the congregation. 

And on the 5th Sunday we have no planned routine so we worship in whatever way our minister decides.

Each of our services include an opportunity to share tea and coffee together. This is usually in the church hall after the service.]